Netflix Show Dark: What Was All About?Spoilers Ahead

Si bel
5 min readJul 20, 2020


Just finished watching Dark and here is my take. I have to confess that my experience with Dark Season 3 was not very smooth. I felt like plot was repeating itself, characters were all over the place and people kept lying and other kept believed the lies over and over again. It was like things were repeating itself in an unlimited endless circle. But I had to finish and see the end. Luckily I did. Because I just realized what was happening.

Truly creative movies like Dark is a message to humanity from collective subconscious. Dark has achieved its purpose.

In Season 3 who is who gets all confused. You end up seeing many versions of the same person. 3 versions of Martha at 3 different ages and then you also end up seeing Martha’s other world version. Then you also see same Martha but in multiples :) It gets very confusing.

Quantum theory is nothing than our own self nature. There are other worlds and times, but they are all inside US not outside. But we do create many different selves and worlds and divide ourselves into many parts and times.

At this point please stop reading if you have not watched Season 3 yet.

So now we know that this unending circle of time travel in Winden was created by Tannhaus who could not let go of his son’s death. He just could not accept it and he tried to find a time machine that would let him to change the course of events. But these experiments opened a portal and 2 different worlds which caused DARK times for the residents of Winden.

Whether we are interested in philosophy or human nature, DARK gives us another chance to look at our nature through different characters.

DARK is literally our darkness, shadow and unhappiness. DARK is literally that place creates hell . DARK is non-acceptance, being stuck and not being here A T PRESENT.

First issue that creates the DARK is non-acceptance due to unlimited desires and wants of the human EGO. Like Tannhaus who resisted the idea of his son being dead and he decided to give up on his life and devoted it to create machine to bring his son back without thinking how this might affect others. Because HIS DESIRE owned him and made him BLIND, there is nothing more important than his DESIRE at that point. Imagine a person who cheats on his partner or person who dates with a married person. When the desire is so strong, nobody cares all others who might get hurt in the process. Because at that point is one is SLAVE TO HIS DESIRE. Tannhaus son IS GONE, DONE AND FINAL but instead of living his life he decides to go to hell, go to DARK.

Second issue that is the cause of DARK is being stuck in the past and in the future. How can we expect to be happy and peaceful if some part of us lives in the past and in the future. Tannhaus basically left the NOW and tried to go to the PAST for a hopeful outcome that can happen in the FUTURE. When we are stuck in time, we divide ourselves to many pieces like in DARK. Can you see how tiring and weakening this is. Imagine you have all this power and possibilities that you can use NOW at the present but you give away most of it to the FUTURE and to the PAST like in the show. Look at the lives of the people in the DARK. When they are traveling through time they stop enjoying their current lives, they do not have nice meals, do not work, do not socialize, do not read, do not go out and have fun. They STOP LIVING. All they care is PAST and FUTURE.

Then we come to the third issue that creates DARK: the idea of the paradise. the idea of a heaven where all pains and suffering goes way. They say human’s fantasy for heaven created a hell in the world. I am not talking about just religious heaven, I am also talking about non-religious idea of heaven where there is no suffering and pain.

In DARK the main reason of why all characters believe in all lies over and over again because PARADISE is promised to them like in religious books . They are looking for exit from the PAIN which was created artificially by themselves. PAIN is created by the resistance which was combined with the obsessive desire. Not getting the desire creates all the PAIN in our lives. So no paradise or heaven will soothe the PAIN unless we have the courage to let the resistance go which creates the obsessive desire. NOBODY IS GOING TO LIFT THE PAIN FOR YOU, because you created the PAIN. As long as you do not LET GO of your OBSESSION WITH YOUR DESIRE you will never be free of pain, like HANNAH does. In DARK people think if they can get to the paradise, there will be no suffering because all they desire will happen there.

Look at Hannah! Hannah wants Ulrich since she was a kid. Although Ulrich never returned her love and he got married with another woman she cant let go of that desire. She actually does not love him , she DESIRES him. There is a big difference between LOVE and DESIRE. Hannah has a fantasy of a man which she can’t have (very common fantasy for many) so she is actually not pursuing Ulrich because of love and connection, she pursues him out of ego. HOW HE DOES NOT WANT HER? As you see this creates a one kind of a hell and she is stuck and she also can’t change FUTURE, PAST AND NOW. Hannah goes back in time and this time she is with another married man, but he also does not give her the thing she needed. She keeps repeating the cycle

Arthur Schopenhauer says:

A man can do as he wills, but not will as he wills.

which is not entirely true. We can change what we desire. All our desires come from the illusory lack within. Somebody refuses us to be with us and we think we want to be with them.

All we need is to face ourselves truly, be honest about our desires and reactions in our lives. When we raise awareness we end up realizing that most of the desires are superficial. And when we heal ourselves that way, we will want better things for ourselves. We would crave for a nutritious meal, not the garbage food. It will happen naturally. We would be with somebody who also enjoys our company. We would let go of deaths, ending naturally as we would know inherently that all ends have beginnings and all beginnings have an end.That way we can enjoy the heaven which exists no other place than PRESENT.



Si bel
Si bel

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